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Learning about Your: Top 5 Period Symptoms

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Learning about Your: Top 5 Period Symptoms

Learning about Your Period Symptoms

Every woman’s body is different, and period symptoms may manifest themselves in every woman a bit differently. Some women may find their periods to be so heavy and severe that they have to take birth control just to control them. Some women also feel so sick during their period that they must take a day off of work or school. As you start getting periods more regularly, it’s important to recognize what your own period symptoms are every single month. This will not only help you track your menstrual cycle, but also be able to predict a day ahead of time when your period is coming.

About 80 percent of all women report period symptoms of some kind. Your menstrual cycle involves a monthly cycle that keeps your ability to get pregnant intact until you’re ready to use it. During your cycle, your ovaries are releasing one egg into your uterus. If that egg does not get fertilized within a few days, then your body discharges it and the tissue lining. This is the bleeding you experience every month. The technical term for this monthly cycle is menstruation.

All the symptoms associated with your monthly period are commonly known as PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome. The most common amount of symptoms most girls feel are:


The cramps and pain usually come within the first five days of your period. These cramps are essentially a minuscule version of labor pains you’ll feel if you ever have children. You may additionally expertise breast tenderness along with your amount and even some swelling in your hands and feet.

All of these physical symptoms can range from mild to severe, and your level of comfort during your period will probably drop. You may also experience one or more emotional symptoms during your period.

Depression and irritability square measure rather more common right before and through a woman’s amount.
Anxiety, confusion, and mood changes are pretty ground once it involves amount of symptoms.


Don’t be surprised if you also feel some food cravings during various times of the month. Your hormone levels will often cause you to crave certain kinds of food. It’s ok to give in to these food cravings sometimes, but watch how much you give in because you could find yourself gaining a lot of extra weight.

After about two weeks, the next egg will be released. The cycle will continue in the same way until you become pregnant or pass into menopause. Menopause usually occurs around the age of 50, so you’ve got several decades of periods and potential child-bearing time.

You’ll find it helpful to track your menstrual cycle on a calendar. This will help you know ahead of time when you’re going to have a period. You’ll also start to see patterns in your behavior, moods, and much more. Your menstrual cycle actually affects your body throughout the month, although the changes it causes are much more pronounced around the time of your monthly period.

Period Symptoms: Missing Your Period

Reasons You’re Missing Your Period

There are all kinds of reasons you could be missing your period. Of course, the most common reason you could be missing your period is because you’re pregnant. However, missing your period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. If you are sexually active and you do miss your period, then you should start by taking an at-home pregnancy test.

These tests are usually pretty accurate, although if the pregnancy is at a stage under two or even four weeks, then the test may not pick it up. If you believe you still might be pregnant even if the at-home test was negative, you can always get a blood test at your doctor’s office just to be sure.


Most of the common reasons for missing your period are nothing to worry about. Ovulation is controlled entirely by hormones, so it’s important to remember that missing your period can be a sign of many other things. If you’re young and just got your period within the last two years, then you may still not be regular.

There are also many other things that can cause your hormones to be out of balance enough to cause you to miss your period. For example, if you recently changed birth control pills, your hormone levels could be in the process of shifting around. This can cause you to miss your period.

Sudden weight gain or weight loss could also be a reason you’re missing your period. However, both of these problems may indicate another health problem you should have checked out. Other common reasons for missing your period include a change in vaginal rings or contraceptive implants.

There are also some medical reasons you may be missing your period. All of these health problems are definitely cause for concern, so you should see your doctor and get checked out if your period doesn’t come back again the next month. It’s always good to know why you’re missing your period.

​Illustration by Cindy Chung, Verywell

Think about whether you have any other symptoms besides missing your period. These symptoms could be the key to helping your doctor determine exactly what caused you to miss your period. Common problems that can cause a missed period include tumors, cysts, mumps, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and menopause.

Occasionally, there might be a reason you actually want to miss your period. For example, if you’re going on a beach vacation, it probably wouldn’t be much fun to have your period on that trip. If you’re on birth control, then it is possible to miss a period on purpose. If you want to do this, discuss it with your doctor first. However, in many cases, you can simply skip over the placebo pills in your birth control package.

These pills are the ones that are a different color than the other pills. Most birth control packs have three weeks of one colored pill and one week of another color. If you’re on a type of birth control that doesn’t utilize this type of pill, then discuss further options with your doctor.

Period Symptoms: Discharge Before Period

What It Could Mean?

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Discharge before period or menses time can be a little worrying, especially if you are experiencing unusual amounts or discoloration. You should know that discharge is quite a normal occurrence in women who have reached puberty and can simply be an indicator as to what’s going on in the body.

There are, however, times when discharge before period time can be a sign that something is amiss inside your body. We’re going to look over a few things that are known to cause discharge before menstruation which may help to give you a better idea of what you might be dealing with.

Fertile Mucus

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Sometimes discharge will pop up around two to two and a half weeks before your next period is due. This type of discharge is usually described as being stringy, slippery, watery, and clear. It typically doesn’t have the vinegar-like scent that most discharge is known for.

In fact, many women report that fertile mucous actually has a sweet scent to it. This type of discharge is not particularly tacky or sticky in consistency although it can appear a bit jellified. Discharge that matches this description is referred to as fertile mucus.

Although the term “mucus” may put you off a bit, that’s exactly what it is and it is a sign that ovulation will be upon you soon. If you’ll remember, ovulation is the time when you are at your peak fertility during the month so if you’re trying to get pregnant, fertile mucus is a sign to start trying for a baby.

If you don’t want to get pregnant then you should definitely use protection during this time. Fertile mucus doesn’t require a trip to the doctor and it will clear up very soon with no muss or fuss. If you find the sensation to be annoying or bothersome then consider wearing a panty liner to offer a bit of protection for your underwear and to reduce any mess.

Bacterial Infection

Certain types of discharge before the period week is due could be a sign that you are experiencing a bacterial infection. There are a few characteristics that can help you determine whether the discharge you are experiencing might be related to an infection. One of the first things you might notice about the discharge is that it is white and has a thin consistency. It will not be thick, lumpy, stringy, or stretchy.

The other, perhaps more obvious, sign is that the discharge will have a highly strong odor that smells like fish. This odor may be strong enough that you smell it while using the restroom or particularly when you wear a dress or shorts. It is usually most noticeable just after sex.

This discharge is associated with bacterial vaginosis, which can pop up with virtually unknown causes. Treatment for bacterial vaginosis does require a trip to the doctor where the standard treatment comes in the form of a vaginal suppository. This condition, if left untreated, can increase one’s chances of contracting HIV and could pose health issues if you have a vaginal infection while pregnant.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are very common in women, particularly because yeast favors warm and moist areas. The tell-tale trait of discharge caused by a yeast infection is that it looks like cottage cheese—that is, white in color and thickened texture with clumps or lumps throughout the matter.

In addition to this type of discharge, you may find that your vagina itches or burns. It may also have general soreness and pain that occurs during sex and especially when using the restroom. Yeast infection is often caused by several things.

Yeast is already naturally present in the body—including the vagina—but sometimes the levels of yeast can be allowed to grow too much in comparison to the amount of “good bacteria” inside the house, that finishes up in Associate in Nursing passing yeast infection. The number of yeast can be increased the number of ways.

Taking antibiotics can result in yeast infection if the number of good bacteria is not built back up before the yeast begins to flourish. Diabetes, wearing tight underwear when the weather is humid/hot, the use of vaginal douches, and the use of vaginal “hygiene” sprays or wipes can also increase one’s chances of developing a yeast infection.

A yeast infection can be treated in many different ways. One way is to use a non-prescription cream designed to treat mild yeast infection. You could also see a doctor get the prescription medication in either an oral or vaginal form.


It may sound a little unbelievable, but it’s true that exercise can increase discharge before period and after. The typical discharge that most women experience is white in color and a bit watery inconsistency. This discharge can occur at any time during a woman’s cycle but can become increasingly noticeable after a long day of exercising or when one’s physical activity level jumps up. Not to worry—this type of discharge is not serious and doesn’t need to be “treated.” If it becomes bothersome then simply wear a light pad or panty liner.

Period Symptoms: Early Menstrual Period

Facts About Early Menstrual Period

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When a woman’s cycle is interrupted by an early menstrual period, it can be very troubling. Having an irregular menstrual cycle is not all that unusual for some women, especially when approaching the age of menopause. When a woman reaches the age of about 45 to 55, it will become more common to have irregular cycles, but if the problem of having an early menstrual period continues, it can actually worsen.

Understand the Early Menstrual Period

When a woman is having a normal menstrual period, the cycle will be approximately 23 to 35 days between periods, counting from the first day of the last period until the first day of the next period. When someone has an early cycle, what happens is that they will begin their cycle before a full 23 days has elapsed. In most cases, the cause of the early menstrual period is due to the fact that an egg failed to mature so it was not released during the menstrual cycle.

Other Types of Early Menstrual Periods

There are really a number of different types of early menstrual periods. One type is known as Polymenorrhea, which is an early menstrual period that occurs sooner than ever 21 days. Another type of irregular cycle is called Oligomenorrhea, with this type of problem a woman will have a period approximately every 35 days, but it will only last for a few days.

In addition to these types of menstrual irregularities, there is also one known as Amenorrhea; with this, a woman has stopped having periods at all for a period of 2 months or longer. It is normal for this to happen during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but it can affect other women as well. When approaching menopause, a woman can skip several periods before finally having one.

The Causes for an Irregular Menstrual Period

Medical News Today

One cause for having an abnormal early menstrual period is psychological. Although it is not too common for psychological problems to disrupt the normal period cycles, it can happen. Among the psychological problems that can cause problems with a woman’s periods are anxiety, fatigue, and stress. When someone is under a lot of stress or anxiety, it can actually change the hormone levels in the body and cause someone to miss a period or start their cycle early.

A physical problem that changes the hormone levels in the body will disrupt ovulation, which will cause an early menstrual period.

Treatment for Irregular or Early Menstrual Period

Problems with a woman’s cycles can be treated, and it is usually best to use a combination of treatments to return the cycles to normal. One of the first things a woman should do if she is having an early menstrual period or an irregular cycle is to change her lifestyle. Relieving stress and anxiety is important, as well as getting regular exercise.

It may also be necessary to see an OBGYN to start treatment. This will likely consist of hormone replacement therapy to balance the hormones. The biggest problem with hormone replacement therapy is that it can actually cause several side effects, and some of them are even worse than having an early menstrual period.

To avoid the side effects of hormone replacement therapy there are some natural remedies that can help to promote regular periods. Herbal medicines such as black cohosh can help regulate a woman’s period.

If you are having problems with having an early menstrual period, you may want to try some of the natural remedies, if these do not work it is important to talk with your doctor and get a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Period Symptoms: Spotting After Period

Things to Know when it Comes to Spotting after Period

lady care health

Although most women experience spotting after a period at some point in their lives, it can still be concerning. For the most part, it is completely normal and is not an indication that anything is seriously wrong. However, there are a few instances when it should be taken seriously and knowing the red flags can help keep you safe and healthy.

While some women start their periods at the age of 11 or even younger, most women do not start having regular periods until they are in their twenties. They might go for months, or even years, with regular periods, and then notice a gradual change.

Their cycles might become slightly shorter, or even slightly longer, and the blood flow might increase or decrease. This is all pretty normal. However, sometimes spotting after period can be a sign that there is something wrong.

Most of the time, the spotting that occurs after a period has ended is a small amount that might only be noticeable when the woman wipes. The blood tends to be a darkish brown in color. This is an indication that the uterus is letting out old blood that for some reason it didn’t get rid of during the regular period.

If this only happens for a couple of days and the amount is small, then there is typically no cause for concern. However, if it happens every month and the amount is enough to warrant wearing a sanitary napkin or tampon then a visit should be made to the doctor to find out why the uterus isn’t getting rid of all of the blood at once.

If the spotting after a period is bright red in color, then the blood is fresh and is not old blood left over in the uterus. This should definitely be checked out by the doctor. Occasionally, spotting can be caused by a uterine cyst or an ovarian cyst. If you notice any sharp pain in your pelvic region that accompanies the spotting, this can be a sign of the cysts as well. Cysts can typically be seen on transvaginal ultrasound.

Sometimes, women spot during their time of ovulation. This is also normal and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm unless the flow is heavy enough that you find that you have to wear protection for a couple of days. It is also normal to experience light cramping during this time as well.

If you experience spotting soon after having unprotected sex, then it could be a sign of the fertilized egg embedding itself into the lining of your uterus. This is actually one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, some women don’t experience spotting at all during this time and other women can’t always tell the difference between implantation bleeding and their regular periods, especially if their periods tend to be on the lighter side.

Like uterine and ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids can also cause spotting after a period, sometimes. Even though fibroids can become quite large, they are relatively harmless and benign. However, they do need to be checked out because sometimes they can grow to unusually big sizes and need to be removed. They can also be painful as well.

Spotting after period can also be caused by adenomyosis, endometriosis, and some type of birth control pills. If you find that you are experiencing an unusually large amount of spotting after your periods then you should definitely contact your healthcare provider. Although spotting can be harmless, it can also be a sign of a condition that can easily be treated. If nothing else, it can help set your mind at ease.

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