Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow (Tendonitis)

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Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow (Tendonitis)


Hey, everybody, it’s Mustafa Rangoonwala here and today I’m going to show you my top seven treatments for tennis elbow.

So let’s get started.

Thus, tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, occurs when the outer side of the elbow is usually irritated due to these extensor muscles of the wrist. So the first thing you should do is warm up those muscles.

So an easy way to do it is to just grab your arm, you can put it straight or bent, bent will be a bit more comfortable, so if you are really irritated you will probably want to start bending if you are not as irritated as you are. you can go there immediately.

Just make a fist with your hand, then with your wrist, go up and down. So it’s really just an active range of motion, just to warm up those muscles, so it’s not necessarily a stretch, but just to warm up and prepare those muscles to stretch.

So you don’t have to pause and wait, maybe you can take a three-second break if you want, but you’re really coming and going right now. So go up and down and shake things up. I’m only doing maybe five each way, a total of ten, again you’re just trying to move those muscles.

So once you’ve done that and you can feel those muscles start to work a little bit, they’re a little warm, then you can stretch. so to stretch these wrist extensors and I say wrist extensors and point out here because the muscles that extend this wrist go up all the way up and are attached to this epicondyle, that’s why you have it in the elbow, but it’s really a lot of that wrist movement.

So to stretch them, again, maybe you want to start not so hard with the stretch, and then you can work your way up to something a little stronger. So this time you want your arm to be straight, you want your elbow to be locked because that’s what will really stretch those muscles.

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Ayurvedic Natural Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow

Keep your fingers straight for starters, it won’t be a huge stretch, but on your wrists, go down and you should feel that stretch up to here. If you want a little more stretch, you can take your other hand and push that way.

Some people twist it a bit, you can do that too and change the position a bit, but since it’s a stretch, you need to hold it for 30 seconds and then you can take a little break.

If that’s not elastic enough for you, when you go back down, bend your fingers into a fist and it will give you even more stretch because these extenders go all the way down to your fingers, so if you bend them that gives you a little more stretch and you can press it again here to get that nice stretch on the outside.

Again this is a 30-second wait and you want to do this 3 times total. So, instead of taking a little break to shake it off, take a 10-15 second break in between to let those muscles reset a bit, and then start that stretch again.

If you are doing it standing up, if you are near a wall or if you are in front of a computer, it may be in a cabinet or something like that, you can push it against a wall instead of using your hand, if it is a little awkward to reach, you can push it against a wall and stretch it further, but if it’s still too much, fingers down, not so many fingers curled just a little more, so 30 seconds three of them.

So number three Simien sent us some elbow braces, they’re really perfect for this epicondylitis because what they do, as you can see here, is some little pressure points. that you put on the muscle belly to take the pressure off the epicondyle or the outer elbow there, and for them to work really well, it comes with two, which is awesome and it also comes with a great strap. and a little strap to fit the width of your elbow, and it also comes with a really cool sweatband.

I’m probably smaller for mine, so I’m going to put this and what you want to do with the golden rule, and I say the basic rule with a pun there is you. I want to take your thumb and put yours here because that blue spot actually wants to be on the muscle belly, so it’s not on this condyle that you want to go down.

So if you’re pressing, you really want to feel the muscle that you don’t want to be on the bone here, so I like the rule of thumb of putting your thumb there and then the splint starts after the thumb. So if I mention it, what I want it to be is not at the elbow, but a little bit down, so an inch in the middle and that blue spot under that belly and then you go squeeze it.

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow (Tendonitis)

You want it to be pretty tight there, not so much where it cuts off circulation, but look, it’s not right at the elbow, I can still bend and move very easily, it’s right on that stomach, and again what it does is press here to remove the pressure of that elbow and get rid of that swelling, so it does a really good job.

People can usually feel immediate relief when they use it, so again make sure it’s not so tight that it cuts off circulation, make sure your fingers don’t get cold when they’re there. but you want good pressure there and you can use it all day.

I wouldn’t say sleep with it or anything like that, but if you know you’re going to do a lot of repetitive activities with the corset, that’s really cool for that, and it’s good, it’s very comfortable, you don’t know who scratches or anything, and really I like the way it is adjustable so you can have the big strap, you can have the small strap and even change with the straps to whatever degree of adjustment you want, so it’s really cool too. so if you are interested in buying the splint, you can click on it.

So the next exercise will be a strengthening exercise, so this time you can use it as a soup can or a vegetable can, you don’t want to start with something too heavy because that’s it, which means inflammation and if you increase too much of weight too fast, you’ll just have more inflammation, which is why cans of vegetable soup usually weigh about a pound, and that’s really what you want to start with.

You can place your arm on a table or something to support it and make your wrist hang down for movement or if it feels comfortable, and you can just hold your elbow in the air, but make sure your elbows are bent. This time so you don’t want it right away, you want it nice, folded, and comfortable, so with the palm of your hand facing the ground, right at your wrist, you will go down gently and slowly and then back off gently and slowly.

So it’s just a continuous movement, but you want to go as far out of that range of motion as possible. So not just here, but as far as I can and as far as I can. so just make sure it’s smooth and controlled, that you control it, that you don’t just let go of it, but you actually activate those muscles and start to get a little stronger, so when you do that I would just start with ten the first time, maybe two sets of ten, if it’s easy enough and you’re not very sore the next day, then you can start pulling a set of three sets of ten, two sets of fifteen.

If you hit 20-25 and it’s really easy, you can move up to a heavier weight. Another product that Simien sent us is his bracelet. So it’s really cool because it helps you do wacky exercises that are really important in helping muscles heal, and you can also do stability exercises with it.

I really like it because it comes with a few different bars that you can put on the main bar to give it more or less resistance, so it’s really cool. I would always start with the lightest just because, again, you don’t want to irritate it more, but it’s great because you can do a ton of different things with it.

Therefore, it is good additional equipment to have. So what we’re going to do first is this kind of eccentric exercise for those wrist extensors, so this move is a bit strange. what you want to do is start with the hand you want to exercise, hold the bar straight up and down, place your wrist in an extended position.

So it goes this way or that way, then you have this extension movement, and then you want to reach out with the other hand. so this one should feel pretty good, this arm should feel pretty good that it can actually move up because the more you rotate it the more you exercise on the bottom one, so go up, and then turn this one forward into a wrist bend, then grab it as far as you can and roll it forward while the bottom is still extended, then straighten your arms.

So you can see that it’s in that twisting motion, and then holding it here, you’re just going to slowly take and control that left hand that’s crooked and slowly go up that way. So you can see that I’m going down and I’m eccentric, that he’s controlling it in this movement, that this exercise for these muscles and this one is really good.

But the eccentric movement is actually very easy to tire quickly, it is a more difficult movement to do, so you don’t want to overdo it. Some protocols say 3 by 15, I wouldn’t start with that, I would start with 3 by 5 and see what you feel because again, it’s a lot of exercise on this muscle, even if you are doing it. I may not feel like I like it.

So I’m going to review the entire motion so you can see it. So extend your wrist, come up, bend your wrist, twist, straighten your arms, and then slowly enter this wrist bend with your hands. It’s almost like you are doing this move, but you will really feel like you are working that upper muscle, so it is a great exercise to do.

What I also like about the cuff is that you can see that it is twisted and bent, so another great exercise is some stability for the muscles. This exercise that I’m about to do makes these muscles really contract and maintain that stability, and it’s a little difficult to lower it at first, but it’s a really good exercise and again, that works those muscles.

These are small muscles, so you don’t want to do a lot of them, but you can definitely feel them while doing it. so this time you want to keep your elbow bent all the time quite close to your side. You don’t have to stick it sideways but keep it close enough. hold the bottom of the cuff to have enough space.

That’s the hardest part, you really want to keep your arm in one place and move around your wrist so it’s not that kind of movement, but it really is that movement. so if you can take a look at it, see how those muscles actually get activated.

You know my biceps do it, my wrist extensors do it and they actually contract to keep my arm from going back and forth. so it’s a really good move and I like it so I’d do about five or ten seconds again and then take a break. You can also go side to side, which is a bit more difficult, you can lower it and go that way, or you can go back and forth to get a bit of supination. So again, try to keep that elbow and all that arm quite still.

It’s not about doing that side to side, just moving it side to side, which again is really cool and it just works the entire arm and elbow and wrist. So you do this exercise for the whole arm, so again, try to keep everything stable here, let the upper part move but don’t move the whole arm, and you’re really going to feel it.

So again, don’t do a lot the first time, do a little and see how you feel the next day, and if you feel good you can add more. And if you are interested in buying the bracelet, be sure to click on it.

Therefore, the last treatment will be a soft tissue mobilization right here in this epicondyle, where this irritation is usually found. So soft tissue mobilization or some people call it massage, is just moving those tissues. If there’s scar tissue there you move it to break it up so it’s not necessarily a massage, I think people think you know how to rub it a little bit like that sometimes it feels good. But what is soft tissue mobilization, you really move that tissue.

So you don’t rub it, but you take that surface of the skin and move it back and forth, so if you see the difference, I’m not just rubbing, I’m taking these tissues and mobilizing them, so it irritates you here many times when you do this you go to feel a small click there, clicking noises, you can feel it, you may even hear it and it is usually just the scar tissue breakage or rupture of these adhesions.

This is very normal as long as it can be a little painful when you do it for the first time and it goes away, it is totally normal, but if it hurts and it does not go away you are probably pushing. very strong. you want to be firm but again if you have irritation if you press too hard it will just explode, a little more so you can start with circles just moving in that area it can move up and downside by side in that area, and it can also move up and down along the muscle fibres.

If you want to use a cream or lotion so you don’t have as much friction as you can, but again once you have that cream, make sure to always move your skin so it doesn’t get so nice. massage the area that is fine, but this mobilization is what you really want.

Just wiggle this tissue to break down those adhesions and it usually turns a little red once you’re done, but it’s good to get that blood and circulation to the area to help prevent this inflammation. so start with about two or three minutes, it shouldn’t be a long time, again if you overdo it you will get irritated but it should be pretty good and a little loose and everything will come back after that.

So there you have it. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section. If you want to buy any of these products, be sure to click on it and don’t forget to subscribe by clicking here. And remember to be sure (don’t hit anyone) have fun and hope you feel better soon.

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Remedies for Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow (Tendonitis):

• Tendons are elastic like substances which connect muscles with bones
• Tennis elbow refers to the inflammation of tendons

Symptoms to look for:

• It is a painful condition
• This pain restricts the movement of your arm


• Activity which requires constantly gripping something hard for long hours

Home Remedies for Tennis Elbow

Natural home remedy using ice:

1. Take a clean cloth
2. Wrap some ice cubes in it
3. Place the cloth gently on the affected joint
4. Do this for 15-20 min
5. Repeat 2 times a day

Natural home remedy using cabbage leaves:

1. Soak cabbage leaves in water for 30 min
2. Press the leaves on the affected joint
3. Wrap a cloth to hold it
4. Leave it overnight

Natural home remedy using broccoli:

1. Take some broccoli
2. Crush it to make a paste
3. Apply this on the joint
4. Wrap a cloth to hold it still
5. Leave it on for 20 min

Natural home remedy using potato:

1. Mash 1 boiled potato
2. Apply this on the affected joint
3. Wrap a cloth to hold it
4. Leave it for 30 min


• This condition can be caused by:
o Typing constantly on a keyboard
o Sitting in an uncomfortable position
o Take regular breaks

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