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How To Increase Concentration Of Child In Studies?

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How To Increase Concentration Of Child In Studies?

How To Increase Concentration Of Child In Studies

Before we understand how to increase concentration, focus on the child’s common reasons for not concentrating. Some are:

  • The child is not interested
  • Academic conflict
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Distractions
  • Being Pro-active

How To Increase Concentration Of Child In Studies : Can I Help My Child Concentrate?

The part of the brain responsible for concentration and memory is the frontal lobe of our brain. She is also responsible for thinking, reasoning, managing emotions, solving problems, and making decisions. Therefore, concentration skills can be improved by regularly practicing some cognitive exercises that can modify existing brain cells. In practice it is more with tantra how you learn, remember things, solve the problem and pay attention. Therefore, early intervention is always very effective. But it is never too late to help our children learn to focus.

Memory games: Different types of memory games can be played with your children as part of cognitive exercises. Arrange around 10 toys or any household items in a row in a particular order. Allow the child to watch for a few minutes

The child can build mental imagination or use some great science or some other way to remember order. Now shuffle the order and ask your child to arrange the toys in the same order

For older children, use the order of the books on the bookshelf. When they follow the order for a few minutes, without their knowledge either remove a book or change the order of the books. Let them find the correct sequence

Name Chain Game: You can play as many players as you want.

Please tell that the first player gave a name. The second player must say a new name after the first player’s name. The third player has to say the first 2 names in the same order, followed by another new name. Therefore the game can last for several rounds until a person makes a mistake in the order or name.

Follow the Leader: Play the “Follow the Leader” game with a series of tasks.

Let one of the players be the leader and the rest follow. Followers have to do what the leader does and do what the leader does in the same order. If the child has an ear for music, choose various utensils and items made of different materials such as iron, ceramic, glass, copper, plastic, leather.

The leader uses a plastic mallet or a wooden stick to hit the material (not necessarily all materials) in a certain order and at a certain pace. Allow followers to see and play in the same order

Another variation to make it more complex is to ask the follower to blindfold and listen to the sounds and identify the material and retain it in memory. Remove the blind and let him try to play the correct content in the same order as the leader

Mix it up: Change things around the house than usual. For example, hang a photo upside down, fold the cushion cover inside out, wear socks from 2 different pairs. Use your imagination to make changes and ask your child to identify the difference

Put some things on a tray. Let the child observe things. Now hide the tray. See how many things your child can remember. To make it a bit more complicated, remove some elements and replace them with other elements. See if your child can identify which items have been replaced by new items.

I-Spy: Play i-spy with minute details of things around the house that are really hard to find

Play with the thread: Give her a skeleton of thread and a rubber ball or a small rectangular box. Allow the child to wrap the ball / box with yarn so that no part of the ball or box is visible. A child will learn to pay attention to details.

There are 3 long strands of yarn of the same colour. Tie a knot at one end of each string and mark them A, B, and C.

Tie any toys or treats to the other end of a string and leave the other 2 strings free. Now untangle the wires and hide the ends through furniture like dining tables or chairs. To find out which wire the ball is tied to

Another variation is to simply untangle the strings and open the strings to the child. This activity helps the child stay at work.

Finding the difference between 2 pictures, completing a maze, solving a picture puzzle, also helps to improve observation skills.

Let’s take Art: Most of us don’t give much thought to TAR. Engaging the child in various forms of visual art helps the child concentrate better

Crafts, painting, drawing and sculpture help them focus and enhance their creativity.

For example, give the child a close look at any bark on the tree and draw a picture of the bark in every minute detail. For young children, describe any object in words for the child to draw a description.

Write a list of colors but use a different colored pen to write the names of the colors. For example, write RED with BLUE ink, PURPLE with GREEN ink, etc. Let the child say the color of the ink for each word instead of reading the names of the colors. The eyes see the color, but the brain instructs to read the word. Focusing on ink instead of spelling is one of the best cognitive exercises to train the brain.

Number fun: write a series of similar numbers on multiple lines. Write one or 2 different numbers between the numbers. For example, write a series of 8 as 8888888888888 and include the number 3 that looks like the middle one. 8888888888888888888838888888888888. Let the child explore all 3 incidents. Similarly, you can refer a child to the number of occurrences of a particular alphabet in a sentence.

Music: Children who enjoy music may try to focus on a particular instrument in a piece of music. This activity helps you learn to ignore the distractions of other devices.

Singing harmony works the same way: Start singing a song to one person. The second person should start singing the same song when the first person is at the beginning of the second or third line of the song. It is confusing at first, but the child will learn to overcome other distractions and to focus on his lines.

Enrolling your child in a school marching band will help, as they will join the playgrounds where one has to focus on their beats and instrumental notes.

Other activities that help children improve their concentration skills include yoga, meditation, music, and sports. These activities help in the integration of the mind and the body, so a child with a lot of energy will learn to self-control. Play a game of “Statue”. Do not force yourself helps control body and mind.

Ways to Help Your Child Focus On Studies

Teaching method: Identify the child’s effective learning style so that teaching methods can be modified to generate interest in the child. It is not the child who does not understand the concepts. It is a teaching method that is not adapted to the needs of the child.

Identify appropriate study time – some children may improve in the morning and others at night. Make sure they are well fed and a good night’s sleep. Find out when they are relaxed and cool. Pick the right time for the task. You can divide the task into two spaces: one in the morning and one in the evening.Once the right time is identified, follow the usual routine of tasks.

A study corner: Identify a study place that is appropriate for the child. Some children like to do homework at the dining room table to stay close to an adult while they work.

External voice control: If the child has difficulty concentrating due to external noise, wear earmuffs or headphones so that they are not distracted. Try some kids to do better by playing a soft melody in the background

Avoid overuse of workbook exercises, as they can become monotonous after a certain point. Replace workbooks with different devices. For example, in math, Lego blocks, wooden blocks with geometric shapes, playing cards, and coins can be used to manipulate coins to teach number sense, area and perimeter, arithmetic operations, or money, respectively. . it is. Or use a DIY interactive notebook to learn science or social studies

Stay Involved – Stay close and get involved in a child’s activities to keep them at work. Some children may need a reminder to focus. So, use a hint or bell to remind you to make it less frustrating for you. As they get older and the situation improves, you can gradually move away from supervision to hold them accountable for their education.

Little work: Break large tasks into smaller parts and work on one part at a time. Focusing on one small part at a time or moving back and forth between different topics will also help avoid boredom. Allow them to take short breaks as they move from one task to another. It is natural for children to feel overwhelmed by the great amount of anxiety

Spending too much energy: Some children are imaginary by nature that they find it difficult to sit and work for more than 5 minutes. Some part of the body is always in motion. Even the softest noise can distract them. While doing a task, they suddenly come up with an irrelevant story, ask questions, ask for a pause, focus on something else, and start doing something else. Reminding parents to constantly focus can be very frustrating. But these kids have a lot of energy and they want to spend it. If you find it very difficult to break the habit, try using it in your study time.

For example, if the child continues to ask questions, ask your child to pause for a while and think of all the possible questions that she might be thinking about in the topic she is about to learn. Or if a child likes to move from one place to another, encourage him to run from one extreme to the other. Then ask him a question. Make it a game. You can leave the venue only after you reply. After replying, run it to another location. You can better learn to expend that extra energy

Avoid excessive screen time: Watching videos or playing video games puts the brain into autopilot mode at a certain point. In autopilot mode, the brain becomes bored and the capacity of the brain cells begins to decline. Keep your brain active and curious by improving your thinking skills. Avoid too much screen time, even if it’s especially educational for elementary school kids

Avoid feeding too much information at once, as it freezes the brain and reduces the ability to make decisions, thinking clearly and creatively.

People Also Ask:

What causes lack of concentration in a child?

But before that, some common reasons that I see for the first time are: lack of sleep or bad routine. A high-sugar, high-fat diet without nutrients to aid concentration in the classroom. Excess time in front of the screen, especially before going to bed.

How can I improve my child memory?

You can help your child improve working memory by creating simple strategies in everyday life.

  • Work on visualization skills.
  • Does your son teach you
  • Try games that use visual memory.
  • Play cards.
  • Encourage active reading.
  • Cut the information into small pieces.
  • Helps establish a connection.

How can I make my child brain sharp?

Here are some research-backed suggestions.

  • Relieve stress by learning.
  • Play memory games.
  • Encourage reading and talk about books.
  • Ask them to imagine the stories.
  • Talk about your favourite memories.
  • Help them make a connection.
  • Play cards.

How do I know if my child has ADD?

Difficulty staying focused; Easily distracted or bored with a task before it is completed. Not listening when spoken to. Difficulty remembering things and following directions; Ignores details or makes careless mistakes.

How do you motivate a lazy child?

Tips to Motivate Your Lazy Baby

  1. Don’t make it too easy.
  2. Be an example.
  3. Set expectations
  4. Add children to the kitchen.
  5. Giving and volunteering is a habit.
  6. Get out there and enjoy mother nature.

What is a good vitamin for memory?

Whether you have Alzheimer’s disease or simply have memory problems, some vitamins and fatty acids have been said to slow or prevent memory loss. A long list of possible solutions includes vitamins like vitamin B-12, herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba, and omega-3 fatty acids.

What is lazy parenting?

Lazy parenting is about intentionally providing your child with opportunities to develop a sense of self-efficacy, which in turn will increase confidence, independence, and responsibility. It’s about going back to your mind to let your child fight for just a minute instead of running and saving.

What is a dolphin mom?

Firm and flexible like a dolphin, the mother dolphin tries to create a balanced lifestyle by creating strong rules and consequences and still allows her children to make their own life decisions. If you constantly cooperate with your child in their daily activities, you can be a dolphin mom.

Is it OK to tell a child to shut up?

No matter what the context is, “shut up” is rarely helpful and inappropriate. A power struggle begins that the child may not be ready to lose. Remember, there are many things to fight for with children; It shouldn’t be one of them. The reality is that “silence” is a rude and objectionable comment.

What you should never say to your child?

  1. “I do everything for you”
  2. “You did well but you can do better”
  3. “Don’t eat or you’ll get fat”
  4. “It’s not that important” or “Stop being a kid”
  5. “Do I have to tell you this 100 times?”
  6. “Big girls / boys don’t do that”

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  • It's really amazing article about this topics tips. I think that's good content for us. It's great knowledge. Thanks for sharing this good one .

  • It's an amazing and very informative article about this topic. Thanks for sharing this good information. It's really cool and good.

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